Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Anli Pollicino "L'etoile filante" Live at Shibuya Chelsea Hotel 2013/5/11

Credit: Zanyzapofficial

Vistlip- Prey Shadow PV + Making of....

Jupiter- Blessing of the Future PV [Full]

Credit:Usui Takumi

NIGHTMARE- Dizzy PV [Short Version]


New Look and Disbandment: EAT YOU ALIVE

 EAT YOU ALIVE announced on their OHP that they will be disbanding. The following is a translated version of the disbandment message. 

"EAT YOU ALIVE will disband after their performance on December 30th. We are grateful to everyone who has been supporting us, and to the staff members who we have been working together with. Until the end, we’ll put all the EAT YOU ALIVE power we have into our activities, so until that day somehow or other please watch over us. The member’s comments about the disbandment will be posted on the home page, and in their blogs, so please read them. 

-The members and staff of EAT YOU ALIVE"

Source: OHP, ST