Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Review: Perestroika- HEAЯTZ (single)

1. Heart
2. Mndless

1. 瞋恚の炎

Wahhh!!!! I'm super excited that this is finally here. I feel like I've been waiting for years, the anticipation was literally killing me~!
I've listened to the single preview so many times that when I first listened to Heart I actually wondered if I had the right song. It started off more slowly than the preview had led me to believe and I was really expecting something more Nega-like. However, Perestroika is quite different, not in a bad way, just different, not as "hardcore" sounding as Nega perhaps. I'm honestly liking it more and more everytime I listen to it. Heart is definitely a song that likes to switch it up, from a more mellow piano sound, to harder rock and screaming vocals, to an electronic riff (though I really hoped they would go further with this). There's no way you could call it boring. It has a memorable chorus and I've always loved Jin's (Haruto now) voice, it is not perfect but there is something terribly captivating about it. The song has a really nice flow and an almost dramatic feeling, where as Mindless, the second song on the HEAЯTZ single is a far cry from the title track. From what I know of Nega, they seem to have a penchant for being..........sexually inclined, in a MAJOR way, and well, this song strikes me as the Perestroika version of that. Mindless has a great hook, and an awesomely catchy chorus. I like that they've inserted some female vocals, I'm not positive as to what they are singing.....but I think I like it! And again I absolutely love Jin's (Haruto) voice. The music and lyrics to this song are extremely addictive. I enjoy the harder guitar playing in this but I actually think this is the more electronic song on the album, compared to Heart, which I wasn't expecting. I could go on and on about this song but to make a long story short I LOVE IT!!!
The last song on this single is 瞋恚の炎, which is actually the second song on HEAЯTZ (Type B).
While I like this song, it doesn't seem to stand out amongst the other two songs, Heart and Mindless. For being almost a four minute song, it seems awfully short, like I don't really have the time to get into it before the song is over. The most striking part of this song for me is from 2:40 to about 3 minutes in, with that soft thumping of the guitar and bass strings (reminds me of rain falling on pavement) and then it rolls right back into the punching drum and bass line. This song reminds me the most of Nega's sound, probably because it contains the most screaming, and I actually like it more now that I've listened to it a few times. Truthfully, it is a pretty decent song.
All in all, I'm really pleased by HEAЯTZ, not quite what I had imagined but I very much enjoy their sound.
It deserves an A.

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