Thursday, March 31, 2011

Review: Para:noir- Paradox

1. Paradox
2. infinite∞numbness

Paradox- I'm sort of turned off by the high-pitched vocals that start the song off but at the same time I'm really drawn in. And as the song progresses the same high vocals are used beneath the top layer of vocals and music, which sounds really pretty. I can probably count on one hand how many slow-ish songs I've heard from Para:noir and I think that makes this song all the more intriguing for me. It has a really nice rythm while the electronic beat and slightly harder guitar elements keep the song from being too soft. I also very, very much enjoy the, what sounds like a fingered, guitar riff (may even be the bass, I'm not perfect therefore sometimes my ears deceive me) from 52 seconds to 1:11. I'm really surprised at 2:53, honestly I thought Paradox ended and we had moved on to the next song because the overall tone/feeling of the song changes for a whole 15 seconds, I was momentarily confused but then it moves right back into the original rythm. The ending is smooth and pretty and passionate. I thoroughly enjoy this song.

infinite∞numbness- I'd like to point out that this title is a bit redundant, first they say the word infinite then follow it up with an infinity sign??? Anyway, that really has nothing to do with whether the song is good or not, just an observation. I like Para:noir's heavier side as well, I'm just not really one for in song screaming, I much prefer Akane's singing voice to his screaming one. That being said, for a "scream song", I actually kind of like this one. It has a really fast pace and my favorite part of this entire song is the drumline that's practically pounded into your head. Surprisingly, I also really like Akane's on and off singular screams throughout, what I would assume is the chorus.

Paradox is at least as good as their most recently released single, Identity (reviewed HERE) and much better than RED in the Monochrome. So...yay! Keep releasing the awesome tunes Para:noir!

My Grade: A, 4.5/5

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