Monday, September 12, 2011

A Personal Rant (Pertaining to Bass Players, Funding, and Fan Girls)

This is really just a mini-rant on my part, merely because I have a lot to say and I feel that the bass player is one of the least appreciated members of a band, right next to the rhythm guitar player (which, if you think about it is why many of them tend to take on a "dual lead guitar" role). I just think that instrumentally they are the most likely, to be ignored or, I should say, over-looked. In order to clarify, I don't mean that these musicians are under appreciated by the band itself, I'm referring to the listeners.

Understandably, bass is the most difficult line to pick out in a song. So, of course, people are more likely to pay attention to things like the lead guitar, drums, and mostly vocals. Also, I suppose it can be easy to overlook the actual playing aspect when you are looking at someone's exterior (in essence, don't be so shallow). Saying that a musician is "hot" is not the same thing as saying they're talented.

And I don't mean to underestimate any fans, I know there are many who thoroughly applaud the music alone, and also, there are many musicians that I find good-looking as well. However, it's okay to like a band's music for the music, and not because you find the musicians attractive.

For example: I'm a HUGE fan of LuLu, and I don't find any of the members even remotely appealing.

Anyway, this has taken an unexpected turn and become a rant about certain fangirls, so, my main point is, bass players should be shown a bit more support. And really this goes for all band members in general, there are so many talented musicians out there, but their music can only reach so many people if they aren't appreciated for the right reasons.

I feel like this is also like a good opportunity to bring up band funding, because a lot of the things I was talking about really come into play here. A band could be great, but if they don't get the right support from fans, it becomes harder and harder for them to put out music. Which, is probably why a lot of the lesser known bands have been disbanding lately. No support = no funding = no music! A great example of this is LOST ASH. While they haven't actually disbanded, they're constantly saying that if they don't have a certain amount of fans at their lives, that they won't put out another single. Now, this is obviously a ploy to get you to come to their live, likewise, if there were more people who knew about them and more loyal fans to support them, they wouldn't have to do that.

In conclusion, SUPPORT THE DAMN BANDS!! And here are......

6 J-Rock Songs to Help You Love Bass Players

D=Out- Sunrise:

NEGA- Idle:

Alice Nine- Haikara Naru Rinbu Kyoku:

The GazettE- An Unbearable Fact:

And -Eccentric Agent- dope:

BORN- Dammit!!!!!!

This turned out to be a much longer post than I had originally anticipated.

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